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02-12-2021 | read

Unit-Level Professional Circle (PC) Convention was organized on 2nd Decembe,r 2021 at Meja Urja Nigam at the Service Building Conference Hall. Teams from various departments of the station particpated in the PC convention & gave innovative presentations on topics like Green Hydrogen, Cost & Time Control for Project Management, Water Conservation, Coal -Monitoring, etc.

The event was judged by the panel of Sh. Anil Kumar, GM (O&M), Sh. R.K. Kanojia, CGM (TS/P) and Sh. PK Sabat, AGM (C&M)-I/C. Team Lakshya of C&I Maintenance Dept. led by Sh. R.S. Yadav, DGM (C&I) who made their presentation on the topic of Green Hydrogen were adjudged the winners of the competition. Team Phoenix of Projects Dept. led by Sh. A.M. Tripathi, DGM (ME) who presented upon Cost & Time Overrun Control in Project Management were adjudged the runners-up while Team Anvesh of Mech. Maintenance Dept. led by Sh. Atul, Sr. Manager (MM) with their presentation on the topic of Evaporation Loss Control in Reservoir secured the third spot.